Ms. Lillie specializes in:
Eating disorders (working with individuals, families, and parents of those suffering with eating disorders).
Whether working with an individual, the whole family, or solely the loved one(s), Ms. Lillie's extensive clinical and professional experience goes into her sensitive and effective work with those affected by these very distressing and potentially fatal subset of struggles.
Parenting challenging children (parents and families)
Whether working with the entire family, a single parent, or parenting team, we work to support the individual needs of all involved while addressing the family's needs as a whole (I.e., improving communication, addressing resentment, implementing structure, boundaries, and consistency).
Couples and Marital Therapy
Ms. Lillie takes a solution focused and interpersonal approach that is highly effective and clients achieve lasting health and happiness in their relationships.
anxiety depression and addiction
Ms. Lillie is experienced working with clients who struggle with:
- Nervousness and worry (pervasive and specific)
- Social phobia
- School phobia and bullying
- Depressed mood
- Extreme fluctuations in mood
- Addiction
Many co-occur with other struggles that she specializes in treating.
Acute-care eating disorder treatment
Intake appointment
Individual therapy
Couples therapy
Family therapy
Parenting therapy